Featured Upcoming Events
To the Moon on a BudgetPublic Outreach Lecture by Arl in Crotts followed by Rooftop Observing
Friday 3/2, 7:00pm
Pupin 301
A wide array of national and international space agencies, private corporations and
Friday 3/2, 7:00pm
Pupin 301
A wide array of national and international space agencies, private corporations and
consortia are preparing to send spacecraft to the Moon, some with people on
board, some with profits in mind. What will they do there, and what might others
do in the future? One more volunteer is needed! Please e-mail Summer Ash
summer@astro.columba.edu if you can help out. Lecture: 7:00-7:30 PM
do in the future? One more volunteer is needed! Please e-mail Summer Ash
summer@astro.columba.edu if you can help out. Lecture: 7:00-7:30 PM
Telescope Observation: 7:30-9:00 PM Astrophotography Slideshow: 7:30-9:00 PM
Astro Snippets
The Herbert Deresiewicz Summer Research Fellowship is due March 5th! (CSA)
Kepler's latest data release introduces 1091 new planet candidates, bringing the total number of Kepler planet candidates to 2,321. (Astrobites)
Weekly Calendar
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